Defender IPC Tetrathlon Championships


Shooting  Phase

Provisional Results will be posted throughout the event for the individual phases as the competition progresses.

If you notice any errors or wish to lodge an appeal, please let us know by completing the Query form or contacting a phase steward  and we will rectify it as soon as possible. Thank You !

 shooting phase


Date: Friday 26th July 2024

Registration : 5.00pm Friday - First Shoot detail: 5.45pm

Venue: Punchestown Racecourse , Punchestown, Naas, Co. Kildare

Directions: Punchestown Race Course, Punchestown, Naas, Co.Kildare




Phase Steward Mr. Sean Sargent

Safety Officer Ms. Jo Breheny

Range Officer :



Shooting Details :

Shooting Phase by Shoot Detail CLICK HERE  


Important Reminder

For all competitors entered in the National Tetrathlon Championships please note that as at ALL Pony Club competitions NO sporting firearm should EVER be left unattended.

When finished you must store your sporting firearm safely in your vehicle and leave the site.

You should not leave an unattended sporting firearm in your vehicle.


Competitors are requested to take their phone ON SILENT.
All details to arrive at 30 minutes before their phase. One detail will shoot and there will be two details waiting.

Firearms must NOT be left in vehicles unattended when you arrive at the venue.  All firearms must be taken from the shooting line or from the firearm area when leaving the venue.  No recreational firearms to be left in parked vehicles at any time.
Trainers are not allowed to load for competitors.

Where a Branch firearm is being used multiple times, the Branch Shooting Trainer must ensure the competitors using the firearm are in different details and notify stewards of any concerns before the competition starts.  It may not be possible to add an extra detail at the end of the competition.

Competitors may take a photograph of each of their targets before they are collected by the steward. This can then be used to check their scores with those posted online.  Phones must be in SILENT mode.

Competitor's and coaches will leave hall as soon as their shoot is completed.

Practice Targets
Senior competitors shall be given one practice target at which they may fire unlimited sighting shots within a 4-minute period.
 Junior competitors shall be given one practice target at which they may fire 5 sighting (practice) shots which will be under firing orders.
Where a firearm misfires (i.e. the pellet does not leave the firearm) the competitor should put their hand up, get the attention of the Range Officer or Chief Steward only, who makes a decision about whether or not the competitor is allowed to shoot another pellet.

Provisional Scores will be posted online and can be verified by the competitor against their individual phone record photos.


Any Queries to be lodged by e-mail form on web within 30 minutes of posting by the DC/ Trainer.

If there is a query - the Chief Range Officer holds the card, the query is brought to the Chief Scorer by the Assistant Scorer. The card is read again by the Chief Scorer. His/her decision is final.


Please be aware that results will be updated as the event progresses
and will change during the competition.
FINAL RESULTS for each PHASE will be indicated once posted,

ie., when all competitors have completed the phases and any queries submitted within the time allowed have been addressed.

We should also like to THANK our sponsors / advertisers for their support.